Tuesday 27 May 2014

Module 5 -Activity 7

Activity 7 Module 5 reflections

The value of available resources

This activity was somewhat  taxing. I did not fully understand what to write in the third column. When I checked group member responses I was still obscured. I tried completing this activity using my own understanding.  I trust I would have acquired a better understanding by the time I am required to do assignment two, which I have observed is quite similar to this activity.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Module 5: Activity 5A Exploring Website Resources

This course has helped me to discover  sites that I did not know exist before, sites that I find to be useful for the teaching and learning of Social Studies. Many of these sites are more content based but I have found a few like: http://caribbean.notesmaster.com/notes/syllabus/viewer and http://www.caribbeanelections.com/education/oecs.asp. to be very useful. They contain notes, syllabus ,lesson plans resource for teachers, activities and have suggestions for related links and other resource materials. I have found that some even have connection to social networks such as facebook and twitter. I have also found that many useful websites are free.
I have found though that sites in Social Studies for upper secondary students are limited. Although I found useful sites for Social Studies I have found that those that are Caribbean specific are limited.
The evaluation criteria helps me to be more selective about the ones that are most suitable to include in my lessons. My counterpart in Social Studies is very happy when I share them with him. He has been finding them very useful too.

Friday 25 April 2014

Module 5  Activity 1: Social Bookmarking

I am  familiar with Diigo, it was introduced to me by a former tutor just to stored important websites and other documents. This new usage(social bookmarking) of Diigo is a very valuable tool for storing, organizing and sharing bookmarks. As a result, social bookmarking  can foster collaboration among
colleagues and students. Most importantly, these bookmarks can be access on anywhere on computer  at anytime.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Assignment 3

Here are the instructions for Assignment 3.  The draft is due on 31 March and the final is due on 8 April.  

If you have not already done so during these activities, plan a lesson in which:

·      a questioning strategy is implemented
·      learners’ thinking skills are developed
·      technology is integrated in support of both the questioning strategy and development of thinking skills

Write an essay that addresses the following:

1.    Describe how you would have taught the lesson before taking this module. In other words, how did you present this lesson’s content in the past. (15)
2.    How has the lesson has been adapted to incorporate a questioning strategy (or strategies)? Be sure to state the specific strategy (or strategies). (20)
3.    How has the lesson has been adapted to incorporate a thinking skill (or skills). Be sure to state the specific thinking skill(s)? (20)
4.    Describe how the lesson has been adapted to incorporate technology. (15)
5.    Explain how the use of technology in this lesson supports the development of both questioning and thinking skills. NOTE: This is not the same as item 4.  (30)

Your piece should be 1200-1500 words in length.

Monday 17 March 2014

Activity 12 - Problem-Solving Skills

The purpose of this activity is to develop learners' thinking by involving them in a problem-solving activity. This will be an essential skill when interacting with information found on the World-wide Web. Problem-solving is a skill which demands critical thinking.  It will involve learners in answering questions, asking questions and seeking workable solutions. 

Plan and execute your problem-solving activity with your class. Remember a real world problem for the students in their context is most effective.  Once you have done this click on Comment below and tell the group about your lesson.  Don't describe the whole lesson.   Rather tell your group which problem-solving strategies you used and mention any interesting observations that you made. Do not be afraid to tell everyone if the lesson did not go well. Remember we learn from our mistakes. 

Now whilst you are working on the group blog don't forget to click on the link to your personal blog and write a reflection. 

Thursday 13 March 2014

Activity 11 - Encouraging Learners to ask Questions

One way to encourage learners to ask questions is to show them two things (e.g. pictures, photographs) which contrast strongly (are very different from each other). The contrast often causes strong feelings of discomfort or curiosity. These feelings stimulate the learner to ask questions.
Read the course material for this activity.  There are three readings to do before tackling the lesson you will give your class. 

You will then think of an example of how you can use this technique in a lesson that you are due to teach in the next few days. Plan your lesson in such a way that you can try your idea.  Now write an email  message to your group (using the subject heading "Contrast_lesson") saying how your learners responded to this lesson. Briefly describe the lesson that you did. Don't forget to give feedback to others.  Remember you will be assessed on your group participation. Your tutor has been watching and taking notes. 

We are almost there!  I hope you are managing to keep up to date with your blog. 

Saturday 8 March 2014

Activity 10 - Promoting Discussion

You can find the online material for this activity by clicking here.

The purpose of this activity is to help you to understand how discussions amongst learners helps them to learn, and to provide you with techniques to organise meaningful discussions amongst your learners.  

Before you can participate in the group activity you will need to read the following explanations:"
Now go to the email / Google group and click Reply to the post called Activity 10 and respond to the whole group by clicking on Reply.  Please don't forget to follow the instructions and let people know which option you did with your class.